I participated with this ULP as an entry for element14’s EAGLE ULP contest. I won the 2nd place and I was expecting to receive my 800-Dollar-worth prize (Weller WX 2020 soldering station), before they informed me that I was excluded from getting it because of my nationality!
However, my participation was to solve a problem more than to win the prize. The idea behind this ULP is to make creating packages/footprints for libraries much easier and faster.
In ordinary way, you should do a lot of calculations to place the SMD/pads in the right place. It could become complicated and tedious if we’re talking about 100 pin package. Moreover, you can use LibIt to add lines and rectangles as an outline for the package.
Building A DIL-08 package in Eagle CAD in Less Than 1 Min Using “LibIt” ULP
This ULP has 4 dialogs:
- PAD Dialog:
- Select Shape: Select the shape of pad (Square-Round-Octagon-Long-Offset).
- Select Axis: Select the axis of pads. Adding them horizontally or vertically.
- Select PAD Angle: Select the angle of pads (0-45-90-180).
- Count of PADs: Select how many pads you want to add.
- Pitch (Distance): Select the distance between every 2 pads.
- Origin : Select X and Y of the origin.
- SMD Dialog:
- Select SMD Angle: Select the angle of the SMD (0-45-90-180).
- Count of SMDs: Select how many SMDs you want to add.
- Roundness: Roundness of the SMD.
- Pitch (Distance): Select the distance between every 2 SMDs.
- Origin : Select the X and Y of the origin.
- Size : Size of the SMD (X & Y).
- Line Dialog:
- Select the layer.
- Width: Select the wire width.
- Length: Select the wire length.
- Origin : Select the X and Y of the origin.
- Rectangle Dialog:
- Select the layer
- Size: Select the rectangle size.
- Origin : Select the X and Y of the origin.
See how to use it in the video bellow: